Friday, March 11, 2011

notoriety ma-SHEEN

The thing Sheen doesn't realize and what really blows my mind about this is that he's CONFUSING the TYPE of attention he's getting for something else...

If you're involved in an auto accident and people stop and stare, like the vapid sheeple they you honestly think they're stopping to check and see if you're ok??? Do you think they've stopped because they CARE about you??? Hell no! They stopped because they're curious and clearly enjoy indulging in Schadenfreude. Once they've gotten an eyeful of the damage and realize there's clearly nothing more to see, the herd moves on. I believe that Sheen is really convinced that the people who are paying attention to him are his "true believers". But it's tragic to me that he seems truly unaware that the vast majority of these people, for the most part, are no different than any given bystander of an accident. But unlike the bystanders who are surveying the damage after the crash, the people watching Sheen right now are WAITING for the crash to happen. And unfortunately, unlike bystanders of an accident, most of these people are pointing and laughing. The conditions leading to a perfect storm of tragedy appears to be aligning, and it's causing people to gather around..even people like myself who would, under normal circumstances, not give a shit about him aside from his sitcom and Major League (if THAT). I don't even think people KNOW what they're waiting to happen, yet they follow his "news" and anticipate...But, like every 15 minutes that have ever passed, eventually people will get tired of that, they will reach their fill of his ridiculous staccato noise that HE calls his "speeches" and realize his fame has more to do with his flailing for attention than any real acting or achievement...and will, at some point realize that there's nothing more to see...and eventually move on to something else, will unfollow him on twitter, and the only attention the media will give him then would probably be posthumously. Cue the "Look back on the tragic life of..." montage.

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