Sunday, March 21, 2010


This time off work has helped me figure out my insomnia! I've been suffering from it for years, wondering what was wrong with me. Now that I can go to sleep when I want, I realize that I don't have insomnia after all! All I am is a creature of the night *lol*. If I just embrace that, my body follows it's sleep schedule on it's own and I don't have to struggle to fall asleep...

No more staring at the ceiling for what seems like hours, laying around counting his farts the way normal people count sheep, or reading on the sofa till I fall asleep on it (then have him get mad at me for it), or staying on the computer chatting with my fellow night owl friends (then have him get mad at me for it) or having to get drunk... The only problem is getting woken up in the AM (which to me are the "wee hours") by my giant, hungry man-child...Baby can't feed himself and needs his bottle *rolls eyes*

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the wonderful world of being a night owl. We have been saving you a seat LMAO!
