Can't sleep, dammit. I guess it's a good thing I'm underemployed or I'd be in trouble *lol*.
Lately I seem to be noticing more people who are not only hating Christmas, but not really caring who knows. Some I see on facebook say "fuck Santa Claus!" or even "Imma kill him! He never comes by my house anyway!" I totally understand the jaded outlook, disappointment and frustration...but if you really think about it: A) why is it this guy's job to gift the world? Did he make a bet with the devil and lose? And B)what thanks does "he" get for doing something so colossal while asking for nothing in return? Room temp milk & cookies that no one else wanted to eat. Even by the kids who believe he is real, he gets treated like a gift dispenser whose job is to give them free shit with no strings attached. Do you see how the santas at the mall get treated? Everyone knows that a mall santa job is about as low as one can get without doing anything illegal. It ranks only slightly above party clown and we all know how shitty they get treated. Thinking about it makes me feel like perhaps the retail jobs I loathed so much weren't so bad after all *lol*. What I don't get is WHY someone would want to be a party clown or santa. They SAY they "do it for the kids", but by "doing it", appearances indicate them taking kicks to the shin and gut, hair/beard pulling, hits to the face and screams in the ear. Often inflicted on purpose for laughs. I don't see any joy in that...maybe they're pulling themselves through with "it's a joy and it's all worth it" like I hear many parents tell themselves, though their eyes often say something clearly different to me. I know it's not like that 100% of the time, but are those small, rare moments of redemption really worth all that crappy treatment? I'd say no. There has to be a better way to experience the joy that person is seeking without having to endure all that noise, bullshit & abuse. With the way I see "santa" often get treated, it makes me wonder if maybe his "job" really IS due to a lost bet to the devil *LOL*! Yeah, those facebook people might be joking, but I often find when people joke, it's to disguise a truth they otherwise wouldn't feel comfortable admitting outright. Christmas can suck, I get that...I've gone through many disappointments myself, and I think many of these Christmas movies with their "11th hour miracles" MIGHT mean well, but they're setting people up for disappointment... Raising one's hopes for a miracle that might never come, no matter high your faith or how hard you believe. It's fiction and most people know that, but it stimulates one's mind on some level that says "Maybe..."
Similar to the way I think romance comedies set women up for unreal expectation and awaken/develop their taste for saccharine bullshit that'll never likely happen because the typical dude just doesn't think they way these fictional characters do. Did you just get the sense that I hate romance comedies? *lol* To me, a "Christmas Story" is the best Christmas movie because it's not pretty, there are no miracles, no epiphanies, just one mishap after another and the boy and his family roll with it. Making the best of things in spite of what went wrong. (BTW, those who have seen the movie will totally get the above title *LOL*!)
Where did this Santa thing come from anyway? I hear there's a movie out called "Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale", the name sounds innocuous...but don't let that fool you. I hear it follows the paper trail of the real origin of Santa Claus...and from what I learn, it isn't pretty. Stuff like: the fat, red-suited, image of Santa you're familiar with is really a mascot for an advertising campaign invented by Coca-Cola in the 40's to encourage drinking Coke in winter. And how the people who cooked up this advertising scheme "conveniently" left out parts that link this character to pagan origins? And to THINK how many Christians out there perpetuate the celebration of this character WHILE claiming to hate paganism? Hah! Ironic or what? The same thing for Easter. It blows me away to see self-proclaimed Christians allowing their kids celebrate Easter by doing TRADITIONAL Easter stuff. If these Christian parents knew where the bunny and egg symbols really came from and what these symbols really meant, they might ban their kids from ever touching (let alone picking up) another colored egg *LOL*. Perhaps it's because they don't really know. But yet that doesn't excuse one from wanting to fill in the gaps of what they don't know. Perhaps on some level, what one thinks they know believes it's all they need to know. I find it so curious how people follow beliefs, ideas and traditions BLINDLY without even having a mind to ask any question...just assume it's fact SIMPLY because it's "family tradition", or simply because they were told by their parents. One example of this is my ex-husband. This one really amazed me. For as long as I've known him, he hates nuts. If something has nuts in it, it needed to be picked off or he wouldn't eat it. And if he bit into something that had nuts in it, he would pick it out of his mouth and go "Ewww! Nuts! Is there something else to eat??" There were times where it would really be a pain in the ass. Ok, so he hates nuts, so what? Well, I don't hate them...and one time we were taking a long road trip and when we made a pit stop, I bought some for myself because I was pretty hungry. He was hungry too, but said "ewww" when I offered him some a couple of times. I guess his hunger got to him after watching me eat for a while and he said "Aw, fuck it" and asked for some. "But I thought you hated nuts?" I said. "Yeah well, I'm hungry" he answered. I watched in amazement as I saw him eat them and I nearly jumped out of my seat when I heard him go "mmmm" and held out his hand for another helping.
"What do you MEAN 'MMMMM'??? I thought you hated nuts? What the hell??" You know something? I found out HE DOESN'T HATE nuts! It turns out he's NEVER even TRIED THEM before that day! How in the hell can he HATE something he's never even TRIED before??? Because his parents (his mother) told him that he hates nuts, and I guess from that point on he adopted her belief as his belief, then as fact. How about that?? Up until that day, he'd gone his WHOLE LIFE hating something he's never even tried before! And if it wasn't for me, he'd probably have gone the REST of his life "hating" them. Simply because he was TOLD he hated them! He never even bothered to find out for himself, just assumed that his parent's belief is fact and there's no room for question. Isn't that amazing? Now I have to worry about my stash getting raided, my peanut butter getting dipped into and always having to share a bag whenever he's around. Sheesh. Me & my big mouth *HAH* 8.P
...Alright, I'm getting sleepy now. K'bye :.P